Our Mission

Our mission at Ngeli Foods is to revolutionize beekeeping with sustainable practices for 100% natural bee products. We are committed to promoting environmental stewardship, supporting local communities, and delivering the purest and most ethically sourced bee products to our customers

Our Vision

Our mission at Ngeli Foods is to revolutionize beekeeping with sustainable practices for 100% natural bee products. We are committed to promoting environmental stewardship, supporting local communities, and delivering the purest and most ethically sourced bee products to our customers

Our Story

Ngelifoods, is a business that produces organic bee products. We've been able to optimize the bees and also manage the productivity and I have reached the hundred hives and from the twenty hives were producing thirty kilo and now they are hundred hivesproducing a tone per year. So we have honey and we have beewax, those are our main products and then we also offer services. If you want to maintain your beehives we are the guys to call. One of the key thing that my company does is a corporate social resposibility whereby we go to the farmers in our local area educate them and empower them in the resources and in the knowledge of how to modernize the beekeeping. We provide the new equipment to help individuals to achieve a sustainable way.